New Books 2013

Upcoming January Events

While the semester is winding down for students and teachers, the library is planning three programs for January. The first program begins the day students return. We are fortunate to have the Dan Eldon Exhibit January 8-11 with a visit by his mother on January 10th. Who is Dan Eldon, you ask?

Dan was an artist, activist, adventurer, and war-photojournalist born in London and raised in Africa. On his first official war assignment, he was tragically killed by a mob in Somalia in July 1993 along with three other journalists after a bombing by UN forces killed over 70 innocent people. He was only 22-years-old. Dan left behind several artistic journals which have been published and his art displayed all over the world.

His mother Kathy started the organization Creative Visions Foundation which inspires "the use of media and the arts for positive social change around the globe." His sister Amy became a journalist and helped to make an Emmy-nominated documentary called Dying to Tell Their Story. Other books and a movie have been made about Dan and his life: The Journey is the Destination: The Journals of Dan Eldon (1997) and the book and movie Dan Eldon: Safari as a Way of Life (2011). All copies are available in the library.

We will launch Read Across League City High Schools also in January. Students can choose between three books to join an online discussion group with students of the three high schools in League City: Clear Creek, Clear Falls & Clear Springs. Participants will be able to attend a three-school pizza party and get prizes and MAYBE credit in their English classes. More details to come.

Finally, on January 25th, the library will host Houston artist and author Lilibeth Andre who has written her first young adult novel called The Lady of the Turquoise Pendant. Students may pre-order her book before December 21st at nearly half off the publisher's price. Forms are available in the library. We look forward to her visit.

January is shaping up to be an exciting library adventure!!!