New Books 2013

Banned Books Week @ the Library

This week marks the annual celebration of our freedom to read whatever we want. It's also a reminder that sometimes those freedoms are challenged when people try to censure what we read. It's not uncommon for schools to become targets of censorship. However, high school is the place where children become young adults. One thing this age group begins to learn is that they are able to practice self-censorship without having to ban titles from other library patrons. This is what adults do. We pick up a book and start to read it. If we don't like it or find it unsuitable, we put it down and pick up another book. Unfortunately, sometimes a person picks up a book, finds it unsuitable and decides it's unsuitable for the entire population. They want the book removed from the library or the curriculum. They make the decision for every student and every teacher and every parent in the community that no one need bother to read this book. That's scary. I want to make that decision for myself, and so should you. This week, celebrate the freedom we have in this country to read whatever we want. Perhaps you might like to choose a book someone else tried to remove from some library or school. See if you agree with their opinion and then be thankful that you have the freedom to form your own opinion.

Bye Bye Shuttle

On Wednesday, September 19th, the shuttle Endeavor flew over our school. The kids weren't here, but some of the teachers got to see it fly over Clear Creek High School. Although it was a wonderful gesture, I have to agree with the city of Houston that it was bittersweet. Many of our students are from NASA families whose parents have worked on the shuttle program. We are certainly thankful to Florida's space center for giving us the mock up shuttle though. One teacher said students will be able to tour the mock up while the other shuttles won't be touchable. Ah well, it was still an exciting day to see the Endeavor on it's last journey. I look forward to seeing what's next in the space program.

New EasyBib app

EasyBib is now offering its free mobile bibliography application for both the iPhone/Pad and the Android phone. Writers can use their smart phone to scan a book’s barcode, or type the book’s name and an accurate MLA, APA, or Chicago style citation is immediately created for their bibliography page. For more information visit

“Hot Stuff and Other Things.” Library Media Connection (May/June 2012): 43. Print.

A New Take on the Star Spangled Banner

Yesterday, we remembered those victims of the tragedy of September 11th. In my email, I received a link to a rock band who heard people complaining about the Star Spangled Banner as being too hard to sing and a stupid choice for the National Anthem. The band Madison Rising recorded their version of the song to re-inspire a generation to feel proud of the National Anthem and being an American. Be prepared to be rocked! I hope you enjoy it.
Mrs. Sanders

Star Spangled Banner