New Books 2013

Live Author Webcast with Rick Riordan

The library will host a live author webcast next Tuesday, May 1st from 12:00-1:00 p.m. (central time). Students may attend during their lunch period. Read more about the live event at Rick Riordan Webcast.

Happenings in the Library

The library has some interesting displays this month. One reminds students turning 18 to register to vote in the upcoming election. It is part of the Rock the Vote campaign. You can read more about it online. The movement empowers young people to use their political power.

Also, the library is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic with a small display. One hundred years ago this week, over 1,500 people lost their lives when the British liner sunk after being struck by an iceberg.

April is also National Poetry Month, so we have books on display.
A couple of classes are displaying works this month. Ms. Gwen Cash's AP History Classes painted butterflies on tiles which are on display in the art cabinet. Also, Ms. Pfeifer's AP English classes are displaying some of their senior scrapbooks. Come see these marvelous works.

Finally, the Reading Rumble team has tentatively been formed and students have met once to guess at practice quotes from some of the 20 books they've been reading all year. This year's competition is May 19th at Clear Falls High School. We look forward to winning!